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Kamis, 22 Februari 2007

(lagi deeh) ada Tongkat Estafet Jawab2 Pertanyaan... (penting??)

Wah.. gara2 tadi ngintipin blognya Ardi, trus lihat blognya Mas Didin pula.. ternyata dapet wangsit lagi dari mas Didin buat ngisi jawaban2 kayak ginian..

Biasanya emang suka sih di Friendster jawab2 pertanyaan kayak gini trus di posting di bulletin..

Ternyata efek bulletin di FS ngikut ke MP juga..


Sapa ya.. yang dapat tugas berikutnya…..


Read through the comments below about your friend and then make sure you read the instructions at the bottom. Have fun!

  1. What time is it? 11.25 AM, bentar lag lunch.. yukk!!!
  2. What's your fullname? R. Arifien Munandar.. a.k.a ipin
  3. What are you most afraid of? Huaaaaa…. Sama Yang Diatas saja…
  4. What is the most recent movie that you've seen in the cinema? Apa ya.. udah sekian wiken tanpa nonton nih… jujur lupa.. maunya nonton di kamar mulu..
  5. Place of birth? Nganjuk…. Ada yg tahu..??
  6. Fav food? Masakan nyokap.. secara skrg gak bisa tiap hari ngerasain.. jadi lg suka ma steak aja…
  7. What is yr natural hair colour? Hitam dunk.. secara…
  8. Ever been to AlaskaWah.. belum pernah euy…
  9. Ever been toiletpaper rolling? Ups..!!! maksudnya..???
  10. Love someone so much it and it made you cry? Gak sampe segitunya lah…
  11. Been in a car accident?  Ehm.. belum pernah separah itu sih.. dulu saatmasih SD pernah naik becak ama kakak, trus becaknya tabrakan.. gw jatuh.. untung gak nangis..
  12. Croutons or bacon? Croutons lah.. Bacon … kaga bole makan…
  13. Fav. day of the week? Sabtuuuu….
  14. Fav. restaurant? Gak ada resto fav sbnrnya.. soalnya urusan makan moody banget… kadang enak makan disini.. kadnag ngerasa gak enak …
  15. Fav. flower?  Bunga..?? gak suka..!!
  16. Fav. sport to watch? F1 boleh juga… trus basket seru pula…
  17. Fav. drink? Jus Mangga, kenapa ya kalo pas di menu ada pilihan itu.. pasti larinya kesana…
  18. Fav. ice cream? Tiramisu mix apa green tea..
  19. Disney or WarnerBros? Film2 warner bross lebih seru kayaknya…
  20. Ever been on a ship? Naik kapal..?? belum pernah….
  21. What color is your bedroom carpet? Warna merah…..huuuuuuu….
  22. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Sim A & Sim C, no test..!!!
  23. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail ? Dari Dase di Aussie.. sabar ya bentar lag tak balas…
  24. What do you do when you are bored? Tidur….. mantab!!!
  25. Bed time? Wah.. kalo akhir bulan ama awal bulan, kerjaan setumpuk..!!
  26. Who will respond to this questions the quickest? Wah.. aku belum tahu mo dikasih kesapa ya tugas selanjutnya…
  27. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? Belum mutusin..
  28. Who is the person that you are most curious to see their responses? Belum mutusin lagi…
  29. Fav TV-Show? Ehm.. suka the amazing race.. tapi kemarin2 ngikutin American Idol, oke juga…
  30. Last person you went to dinner with? Last Dinner..?? ama temen2 kantor deeh.. deeuh…..
  31. What happen to 31 and 32? Pengen umur segitu punya anak berumur 3tahunan..
  32. What are your favorite colors? Red!!
  33. How many tattoos do you have? Sekarang gak ada.. padahal pengen banget!!
  34. How many pets do you have? Di sini gak ada.. di rumah sono.. ada kucing..
  35. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Gw duluan deeh…
  36. What do you want to do before you die? Bertobat jelas.. dan nyenengin keluarga gw...
  37. Have you ever been to Florida? Ih.. jauh2 amat sih.. ke Tasik aja gw belum pernah..
  38. Have you been to countries outside the US? Wah.. ini yang ngasih pertanyaan orang amrik sono ya.. pantessss…
  39. How many people are you sending this survey to? Ke…ke… belum mutusin…
  40. Time this survey ended? 11.35 cepet gak sih..

Selanjutnya.. kayaknya pas buat David, Jujun, Bambang, ama Om Boim



udah ah.. mo siap2 makan.. *tumben aku lapar sangat ya..*


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